Friday, May 20, 2016

I am happy future won joint custody, what are your thoughts?

I will start by saying this I AM happy that Future won his custody case and got joint custody. I didn't agree with him paying 15,000 a month for child support and couldn't see his son. Though we will never know the truth behind anything that happen between them BUT regardless of what goes on you should NOT ever bash the other parent like they were doing to one another on social media,to the courts or in general. Regardless on what either one of them do on their personal time that shouldn't give either one of them the right to bash one another parenting. He has his way of parenting and ciara had hers  I mean both were very cut throat with one another BUT in the end it was what I think to be a positive outcome. I feel no child should have to grow up without a father ESPECIALLY a boy, with all that being said I hope ciara and future can be good co-parents for baby future sake.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Fox 2 News interview with the teen who beyonce inspired prom dress went viral

For those who weren't able to see the fox2 news segment on the Beyonce inspired dress that went viral in ST.Louis, Mo here is your chance to see Toi Hall owner and operator of Toi Box Coutour and India Ross which whom wore the dress. Please excuse the lil skipping in the video I was watching it on my mobile because I was at work BUT HOPE U ENJOY PLEASE FOLLOW, LIKE AND SHARE THIS

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Yessssssss honey Toi Box couture did it AGAIN! she has slayed yet another prom. India Ross
 Asked St.Louis DESIGNER Toi to make her look like Beyonce and I believe she DELIVERT lol. TOI have been slaying proms for years now but this particular one just have been taken to another level. I am proud to say St.Louis is trending right now for something positive instead of all the negative things people see and hear about us. I am so proud of You for making it this far because she did not give up on her dreams she continuously made nothing but flawless pieces and she always deliver whatever the customer asks for. this particular time she delivered to this beautiful young lady India Ross her Beyonce inspired DRESS and it went viral thanks to India and Toi amazing supporters, India and Toi have taken in  a lot of negativity about the dress BUT look how amazing God is. All that negativity turned into positivity in The end With the society that we live in today people are going to talk about you when you doing good or bad and apparently Toi did something right by using her Blessed Hands to make this dress and India did something right by slaying this dress correctly to prom honey for in formation and she looked beautiful and I'm glad that Toi box couture was able to deliver that for someone and send their lives in a while different direcrion in a positive way..... STL stand up! NOW LETS MAKE BEYONCE NOTICE IT.. PLEASE LIKE COMMENT,SHARE, AND FOLLOW. BE BLESS